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22 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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For People Saying its nothing like acid

1) Its a cartoon
2) Hes not claiming its like it
3) Its a cartoon
4) 99% of you have never been on acid
5) Its a cartoon
6) True bad trips never turn out like that but, seriously get off his back

Ok Time for the real review

Wow, just wow, kinda creapy really something different, I enjoyed it in a destructive sense, and either something pretty awful happened to you or you got one hell of an imagination, all the animation was smooth all the lighting was spot on, and those camera angles were perfect the first time i watched it I didn't even think about what he was REALLY doing but the 2nd time i started to and the story (or the one i interpruted) was fantastic, i'm very glad this won an award and made me write my first review (+log in) in a very very long time

Sqeezy responds:

You are awesome.
Receive a virtual heart <3

This brings me Back

2 and a half years to be precise, your the one who got me into flash animation (been a long time since i've been on ng lol i'm not well represented here) but man i remember them being somehow better. i mean some of the camera angles were awful felt like i was playing resident evil, and that fight scene dissapointed. By columns in the main building do you mean every cyndrical object, if not kudos if so come on no need to lie, swift and maya are much deeper then falsh.

Overall i remember the series as godlike, this dissapointed me as it has no lost the ideals in my mind it once has. (its kind of like seeing perfection in unperfect material) but now i understand you still have limitations and i need to forget about this and remember this how it is in my mind. Perfection.

Rob-D responds:

Maybe you've just outgrown the series.

Bad humor+Bad graphics-Action=Bad Toon

well first off let me say that you need to learn how to model, texture, rig, skin, use a graph editor, learn how to pose, get a better sense of camera angles, learn maya/poser/swift 3d/cinema 4d or whatever program your using and get a better sense of humor BEFORE i write this review.

Graphics: if your using a toon shader learn how to use it, if not learn how to position lights so they aren's solid colors, spend more on your modeling and rigging process (if that even was rig i'm not sure, looked more like axis points) the animation was mostly just random flailing if you can call it that, you have to WORK TO CAMERA and make more than little spinning movements. There was no anticipation in the animation, and the flow was poor and undefined.

Style: same deal as graphics

Sound: none of it was understandable except one of the ninjas sounded like he got kicked in nuts really really hard.

violence: why was a sword shoved up that guys ass i guesse that's violence,

interactivity: a play button

humor: i found none of the movie funny i cant see who would find it funny hence the 0

i'm curious if you could do anything decent in 3d, something that could pass as something among a group of 3d animators, but as of now my guesse is no


i'm sorry if you found some of my review offensive to your views on this movie, but i'd rather say the truth.

PureCarnage responds:

The characters were rigged, not textured and created in less then 10 minutes. What do you expect?

Graphics: It's a dark gloomy night, I could have made it a bright day, hence the stars. The camera and layouts took minutes... not because I could have spent hours planning it, because I chose not to.

I want this to be quick dirty fun flash as we battle for the Ultimate Ninja Supremecy... it's not meant to be some Lord of the Rings trillion triangle poly models with full motion cap suits and voice actors who charge hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Style: It's perfect, fits the NG's gendre of simple fun characters.

Sound: I can understand it just fine, some people can't, the can deal with it.

Violence: Yeah being raped by a katana is concidered violent.

Interactivity: Its a movie not a game.

Humor: Not everyone will find it funny, not everyone likes Scary Movie 4... that's why we are all different.

Your last statement... this is a flash animation for a Newgrounds Forum thread... if you want some serious production that takes months to model/rig/render... Macromedia Flash is not it. I have a 5MB limit, not 150MB+.

Glad you didn't like it, don't bother watching any more and save yourself the grief and fustration that this is not some major movie production.

9.7 i'll round up =)

i couldn't help but notice how similiar this was to vinnie's style (hence the 8) not as much in the characters, but i saw it in the preloader and the city background. The animation was fluid and excelent very good. I just wish you'd take the time to go back and color everything i think it would make top 20 of all time easy with some more color

quaro responds:

Ooh similar to vinnies style?! nice hehe but I'll try and make it more my style next time. Thanks! :)

thanx to your "trace bitmap" for the nice graphix

come on, it was all just pics that were traced bit mapped, that's just boring and in the intro the part where "an ex detective has to ask help to the same criminals he swear to put behind bars"

it's "an ex dectevive has to ask FOR help FROM the same criminals he SWORE to put behind bars

Erikcq responds:

Trace bitmap makes anything look great.
Sorry about that... I'm from Argentina.

looked life some klunky rigs...

considering you modeled and rigged in a weekend not bad =P, swift is a pain to animate in better than maya for modeling though... nice basic but effective lighting kudos for that. creep factor was a little low but you know i'm looking at a computer so nothing is ever THAT creapy

good work

p.s did you retrace once imported into flash or just exported as a swf?

Wlopes responds:

good, I exported I eat swft.t3d, later I mattered for the flash, and there I made the Obliged.

assembly for the commentary

I feel like you missed the meaning of the book...

if it's for you english class, you might have wanted to you know express the theme a little better, even one of the shallower ones about basic instincts would of worked. But you didn't so here i get to leave a review about how you made me want to see your full interpretation of the book, o well...

graphically not the best, character design was good, just the lack of shading made it feel very for lack of a better word flat. other then good job 7/10 4/5

p.s Lord of the Flies is one of my fav. books

Drakku responds:

Yeah, I know I came off as if I didn't really grasp the concept of the book, but I promise you I do. The Trailer was supposed to be a "movie" trailer, and as such was just an interpretation of the book by some random director.
Unfortunately, movies in this day and age are more centered around violence, suspence, and action; plots that are just slash'em'up gore with little to no meaningful themes beneath them fly well with people.
I'll work up the shading in the next Flash, though, and thanks for your comments. <3

Gratz on your monthly prize =D

if this doesn't get it, i'll be suprised, it definetly deserves it.

Who cares if it's rotoscoping, that takes for bloody ever, i did a 10 frame kick once, and i was screaming in agony, but i have the patience of a 2 year old on speed so, i don't blame myself, i blame genetics.

if i was top 2000 i'd put this at #1

p.s when you made this did you know about blue man and/or stomp, very similiar.

p.p.s great catchy music, if i had money i'd pick up an album of yours

Dustball responds:

Thanks! I'm very familiar with Stomp, but I love the Blue Man Group!


i've definetly seen this before... how long ago was it released? great movie other wise,m i might of seen it last night and just forgot that i saw it then, well great movie exceleent sprites and i can't wait to see the conclusion

AngelnX responds:

This was released Christmas Day just so to help you refresh youir mind. This IS the conclusion to the punch-out story. After this, theres no more punch-out :( sad to say but thanks aways!

Age 33, Male



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